New York's Only Gallery of Natural Art
Normal Business Hours: 10-4
Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays
772 S. Main St, Geneva, NY
We are closed, but you can always call or text 904-718-2999 if you need us.
We are a sustainable, inclusive, eco-friendly and women-run business. We exhibit only local Finger Lakes artists and offer free admission to all.
Proud to be one of the first US businesses to use Releaf paper bags, made out of fallen leaves.
As of January 1, Vines of New York Art Gallery, Enrich Geneva Nonprofit Corporation, The Solar Eclipse Task Force and LOCAL Magazine are closed, as we are moving across country for family.
Enrich Geneva at a Glance
Our Mission:
Our non-profit organization's goal is to increase quality of life by widening our horizons in the vast areas of the arts and supporting our small businesses and the community itself. This initiative provides a backbone for local artists, art lovers, readers, writers and many more in an effort to impact Geneva's culture. We propose to make big changes in the community to connect nature, the arts and Geneva through our long and short term goals:
LOCAL Magazine: printed quarterly with hundreds of copies free to visitors and residents to promote Geneva's small businesses and list community events
Financial, emotional and professional support of almost three dozen local artists: displayed at Vines of NY Art Gallery (The New York Gallery of Natural Art) in Geneva
Represent New York State as the only gallery of natural art for the state, the whole of New England and the entire East Coast.
Relocation of the Gallery and the creation of a Children's Room for budding artists.
Summer 2022 Book Giveaway for 3,000+ books (supports building of minds, culture and personal libraries)
Biannual Community Arts Festivals: Geneva Fall Festival (Oct) & Geneva Winter Arts Festival (Feb)
An Array of Arts Classes for All Ages (Dec-Mar) offered at the art gallery to provide activities in the winter season - filled to capacity with waiting list every time
Reading & Writing Events
Community Poetry & Short Story Book Anthology (on Photos page)
Local photography printed book for community and tourist appreciation of nature in The Finger Lakes
Bring greater tourism to Geneva through the art gallery, which offers a unique style of art
Artist Specialty Demonstration Events, showing the process of many art fields
The creation of the Solar Eclipse 2024 Geneva Task Force to present a weekend event-filled festival for this once-in-a-lifetime experience (aids in tourism, resident quality of life and business support)
Build a safe space for writers and artists to quietly work on their craft, along with a classroom for adults and children to learn new skills and passions with designated quiet rooms to imagine and create.
Create a circular artist support program to purchase artwork from local artists and promote them to the community and beyond
Our Plan for the 2022-2024 Time Frame:
Supporting the Arts & Our Community
Book Giveaway (3,000+ Books to the Community)
Ongoing Writing Submissions (LOCAL Magazine)
Creation of Collection of Finger Lakes Authors
in a Book of Poetry, Short Stories & Artwork
Upcoming in 2024
Arts Festivals & Art Walks to Support Local Artists & Art Lovers
Fall Family Festival: BID: Downtown Geneva Oct 10
Art Walk: BID, The Dove Block & Vines of New York:
Downtown Geneva Dec 3
Winter Arts Festival
Downtown Geneva February 2023
New Free Geneva Magazine to
Support the Arts, Nature, Community
& Small Businesses
Printed over 2,000 copies so far!
Winter Classes
Held at Vines of NY Art Gallery
Including painting, jewelry, sculpture, weaving & textiles.
Additional Classes Listed on
Hardscaped Botanical Garden Coming in 2024
To Include a Native Wildlife Preservation Garden,
Sensory Garden & Community Herb Garden
with Water Features & Outdoor Classes
Events & Initiatives
Who our Events Helped
Eclipse events benefit 20,000+ people in a weekend of events, supporting the city, downtown, busines | Quarterly Art Walks benefit the community, small businesses and artists. | Garlic Festival supports artists through sales and promotion. | Art experiences support downtown Geneva's culture. | Book Giveaway supports schools and libraries. | Art Walks benefit downtown Geneva, visitors, artists, residents and businesses. |
Winter Art Walk benefits the community with free cultural events. | Finger Lakes Writers Project benefits local college students and residents of the Finger Lakes in pu | LOCAL Magazine, Geneva's only free quarterly publication, benefits the residents and businesses with | Art Walks connect businesses and arts organizations. | Earth & Astronomy Exhibit benefits locals, tourists and artists by offering experiences. | Art Walk downtown supports cultural festivities downtown. |
Book Giveaway benefits the community through library-building. | Promotion of local artists benefits small businesses, clients and artists. | Sale up to (1) | Cruisin' Night supports local artists and experiences. | Winter Arts Classes offer experiences during the cold winter seasons and build community and skills. | St. Francis School summer events benefit the community through auction of our donated artwork by man |
Art Walk supports downtown Geneva's businesses, providing them with additional foot traffic and sale | Art classes throughout the winter months benefit artist teachers and participants. |
What's Happening Now?
Eclipse merchandise is here for the memorable out of this world, once in a lifetime event happening on the afternoon of April 8, 2024: The Total Solar Eclipse. Dubbed The Great American Eclipse, this astronomical event will be seen by a limited few, with Geneva one of the lucky cities to be in the path of totality, meaning we get to experience its full glory. Merchandise commemorating this event is now available for order. Pickup is here in Geneva from now until the eclipse. Go to for full details on our line of eclipse merch.
The Finger Lakes is packed full of talented people, many of them writers. We are collecting these works of pen, namely short stories, poems and thoughts) from all over the area to compile a book, distributed it and celebrate our resident authors. Originally slated for printing in 2023, this is being postponed until 2024 to include photography and other artwork, also from locals.
Find more information on the events tab.
With the upcoming solar eclipse in April of 2024, Geneva is anticipating a slew of changes. This task force will help to make this a great experience for residents and the tens to hundreds of thousands of visitors we are expecting!
Go to for more information.
Envisioned in a dream, LOCAL Magazine, Geneva's newest publication connecting the arts, nature and community is a reality! Supporting local businesses and having one place to go to for local event listings has been received with tremendous support. Just finished printing our fifth issue - that's a year and a half behind us! Word is this magazine flies off the shelves in two hours flat!
"Bringing the arts to Geneva and seeing a future of thriving local artists and small businesses, where they can blossom and feel supported is part of our vision. We also hope to instill a new love and interest in Geneva - a cultural boom, adding more music, visual art, writing & more throughout our lovely community."
Many thanks to the Brooks & Joan Fortune Family Foundation for funding our new Circular Artist Support Program, where we can promote artists through the media and events and exhibit their work to support sales. We can even purchase artist work or commission new work of up and coming local artists to support their endeavors and enhance their skills and public coverage.
Become a Partner, Volunteer or Sponsor
Sponsor, partner or place an ad in LOCAL Magazine to support spreading the word about local businesses and events,
including yours.
We promote and support local artists through events, social media and exhibits at the local art gallery. You can email us at or come in to Vines of New York Art Gallery at
772 S. Main St. in Geneva.
Help at one of our events in Geneva, offer supplies or services or become a teacher/assistant when we begin our classes.
Since we work hand in hand with Vines of New York Art Gallery, on-site services supporting the property are always welcome, along with supplies for our off-site periodic arts events downtown.
LOCAL Magazine loves to acquire new writers for articles and local photography for each issue. Contact us for more information.
Making a Donation is an incredible opportunity to lend your support to enrich our community. You can either choose to help our organization as a whole or aid in a specific endeavor.
Donations can be made in person or mailed to 772 S. Main Street, Geneva, NY 14456 or sent through the DONATE button at the bottom of this page:
Enrich Geneva is a local non-profit corporation committed to supporting the arts and culture in our community. We all invest our expertise and resources in order to further achieve our cause. With local volunteers and funding, we hope to make Geneva an even more interesting place to live and visit by expanding and connecting the arts base. With executive director, Debbie Ferrell, we run the NY Gallery of Natural Art ("Vines") to support our local artists and local economy, publish LOCAL Magazine to promote small businesses and improve the connection between art and nature and create events for every member of the community to participate in.